exquisite corpse: the psp game!

Well, it doesn’t exist yet but how cool would that be?

Eli has been talking up video editing on portable computers for a while now. And as far back as y2k, Play had their Pocket Producer app that was interesting if not always useful. But in class this week, we started talking about the idea of video editing on the PSP (brought up by guest chatter Ryan Junell.) Pretty interesting, right? But simple in-camera effects and edits aren’t anything new. You can do that with a bunch of the Powershots and Cybershots already out there — unfortunately, it’s not much fun.

So if you could implement it on something like the PSP, why not make it a game?

Think of it as a palm-top front-end for a ccMixter for video?

Gameplay could consist of weekly remix contests like the GYBO challenges. Users could download the relevant clips to their portable devices and get a week to make their own iterations. They post their final submissions back up to ccMixter and the clips with the highest rating after three days wins. Include Keyworx-like functionality, and allow folks to create live collaborative VJ events that could be viewed by others.

Guitar Hero and Taiko Drum Master prove that games based on “content” do work, but neither put a lot of emphasis on community or collaboration which — to me — are the more interesting parts of cultural communities as a whole and hip-hop (including remix and mashup) culture specifically. While we’ve learned that adding community to FPS and RPG games make them infinitely more compelling, we have yet to accept the same with our media. Until then, we’ll be stuck with efforts that do little more but to serve our feudal lords.


Media Arts Stories

I particiapted in a NAMAC regional meeting today were about 20 other thouhgt leaders were in attendence sharing thier stories of inspiring and impactful media arts experiences. There were so many recurring faces and a few new ones to me. I really felt the span of generations. So many wonderful experiences from a range of media arts educators, activists, adminstrators, exhibitors, etc. The common threads revolved around seizing opportunities, articulating visions, being open to new ideas and discovery, and most importantly acting.

George Fifiled talked about the first Boston Cyberarts festival and how it distilled a community of people aorund art and technology.  Wendy Blom about the Southeast Asian Water festival in Lowell and how it transformed how she thought about public access television.  Danielle Martin talked about having to quickly improvise a digital storytelling workshop for hearing impared girls.  Joe Doullette shared his story of mentor a young filmmaker.  Laura Simmons recounted the formation of the her People of Color Collaborative and creating new opportunites.  I could go on, but you get the idea.
It was a good gathering.