Collaborative knowledge production, how does this relate to my own interests and work around engagement and institutional / organizational design? From yesterday’s introductions it would seem that those who are aware and sensitive to difference and the need to acknowledge and use difference are keenly present in the room. Individuals who feel comfortable moving in and out of multiple spaces and across boundaries. How do you create environments in which heterogeneity informs the creative process? What are the necessary elements required to keep these differences productive rather than alienated, disengaged and aloof from another? How do you prevent the flattening out of difference into monolithic thinking? Yet how do you build consensus and agreement or at least present the variety areas of contestation in the knowledge environment? How do you get folks from different perspective and knowledge spheres to listen and learn from one another? Thinking about the conversation with Annabella and Lilliana, how do you work with those whose knowledge have been privileged (i.e. scientists) to see that other knowledges and perceptions are valid and also powerful? Vice versa, how do you get those whose knowledge has not been privileged to see themselves as knowledge producers?
So I wonder how access to communication tools factors in here? Do those whose ideas have not been heard, are they finally heard or are they simply part of a large mesh of voices without focus and direction? How do we determine the direction of knowledge production? At the 119, creation happens simply because space is provided and the door is opened. There is no attempt to weave together east expressive element. Rather, each elements is allowed to exist and the weaving together happens for each person who attempts to come to an understanding of the space and its identity. Still, each creative elements holds to some over-arching ideal or sense that it belongs. So the idea of creating a boundary or contour to the creative space or knowledge space seems important here.
So to curtail monolithic thinking or knowledge construction, can we create spaces that allow for a diversity of ideas, perceptions and discussions, but at the same time be bounded enough to hang together as a whole. What then will allow these spaces to be created and sustain themselves? How do the expand or contract as needed? What are the mechanisms that allow for that “identity” or “bound” to be created and maintained?